Monday 29 September 2014

Permutations andcombinations


When we talk of permutations and combinations in everyday talk we often use the two terms interchangeably. In mathematics, however, each of them has very specific meanings, and this distinction often causes problems.

In brief, the permutation of a number of objects is the number of different ways they can be ordered; i.e. which is first, second, third, etc. If you wish to choose some objects from a larger number of objects, the way you position the chosen objects is also important.

Combinations, on the other hand, one does not consider the order in which objects were chosen or placed, just which objects were chosen.
We could summarize permutations and combinations (very simplistically) as

Permutations - position important (although choice may also be important)

Combinations - chosen important,

This may help you to remember which is which.

Pictures on a wall

Suppose you have to put some pictures on the wall, and suppose you only have two pictures: A and B.

You could hang them

Order 1 : A first,then  B

Order 2:B  first,then A

Not much of a choice, but it leads on to the difference between permutations and combinations.
In English we use the word "combination" loosely, without thinking if the order of things is important.

In other words:

"My fruit salad is a combination of apples, grapes and bananas" We don't care what order the fruits are in, they could also be "bananas, grapes and apples" or "grapes, apples and bananas", its the same fruit salad.

"The combination to the safe was 472". Now we do care about the order. "724" would not work, nor would "247". It has to be exactly 4-7-2.

So, in Mathematics we use more precise language:

If the order doesn't matter, it is a Combination.
If the order does matter it is a Permutation.

So, we should really call this a "Permutation Lock"!

In other words:

A Permutation is an ordered Combination.


As mentioned above, there is an important difference between permutations and combinations. In this case, for permutations the order of events is important: order 1 is different from order 2. For combinations, however, it does not matter which picture was hung first. In this example there are two permutations            (A, B ≠ B, A), but only one combination (A, B = B, A).


1. Permutations with replacement: Put ten (or whatever) numbers in a hat. Take one out, write down the number, put the number back in the hat, then do it again. If you do this 4 times, there are
10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 10^4 = 10,000
different permutations. Order matters - 1234 is not the same permutation as 2134. For example, a telephone number or a lock combination (I suppose it should be called a permutation lock, then).

2,Permutations without replacement: Put ten (or whatever) numbers in a hat. Take one out, write down the number, throw the number away, then do it again. If you do this 4 times, there are
10 x 9 x 8 x 7 = 10! / (10-4)! = 5040
different permutations. Order matters - 1234 is not the same permuation as 2134 (and 2234 e.g. just cant occur). For example, there are
15 x 14 x 13 x 12 = 15! / (15-4)! = 32760
different ways you can sink the first four (of 15) numbered billiard balls.

3.Combinations without replacement: These are like permutations without replacement, except now order doesn't matter - 1234 and 2134 represent the same combination. Suppose you have 4 unique items, like these four digits. You can rearrange them in 4! ways - choose any of the 4 as the first digit, any of the remaining 3 as the second digit, and so on. (And so here is another example of a permutation without replacement!) Suppose you pick 6 of 40 numbers (without replacement) on a lottery ticket. There are 40! / (40-6)! = 93,963,542,400 permutations (!), but each permutation can be rearranged in 6! = 720 different ways, so there are only
[ 40! / (40-6)! ] / 6! = 130,504,920 combinations

If a lottery ticket costs $1, playing this lottery only makes sense from an economic perspective when the (accumulated) payout is greater than $130,504,920. If the payout was only half that, on average you'd lose 50 cents every time you played. However, many people don't see it that way. They figure that the whole dollar is lost as soon as they buy a ticket, but figure that it's well worth even the slimmest chance of winning $65 million (or even less) and buy the ticket anyway. Most governments take advantage of this discrepancy between price and value (or between exchange value and use value, if you're a Marxist), first by diverting 50% of lottery ticket sales to the state, second by taxing the winnings, usually at the highest personal income rate, and third by delivering the winnings as an annuity over 10-20 years instead of as an immediate cash payment. Together, these three measures can result in government retaining as much as 1 - 50% x 2/3 x 2/3 ~ 75% of ticket sales. (The actual number is closer to 50%; sellers of tickets keep 20-25% of the ticket price for their trouble.).

Keep learning!
Oyewole O Thomas

Thursday 25 September 2014

How to Solve Probability Problems on Cards

Probability is a branch of mathematics that deals with calculating the chance of a given event's occurrence, which is expressed as a number between 1 and 0. Or it is the numerical representation of an expectation.
An event with a probability of 1 can be considered a certainty: for example, the probability of a coin toss resulting in either "heads" or "tails" is 1, because there are no other options, assuming the coin lands flat.

 An event with a probability of 0.5 can be considered to have equal odds of occurring or not occurring: for example, the probability of a coin toss resulting in "heads" is 0.5, because the toss is equally as likely to result in "tails."

An event with a probability of 0 can be considered an impossibility: for example, the probability that the coin will land (flat) without either side facing up is 0, because either "heads" or "tails" must be facing up.

 A little paradoxical, probability theory applies precise calculations to quantify uncertain measures of random events.

Probability can be expressed mathematically as: the number of occurrences of a targeted event divided by the number of occurrences plus the number of failures of occurrences (this adds up to the total of possible outcomes):
p(x) = p(x)/[p(x) + p(y)]

A card is drawn and replaced four times from a standard deck of 52 cards.
what is the probability of drawing a king

 a. exactly once?
b. exactly twice?
c. exactly three times?
d. exactly four times?
e. zero times?
f. Which is the most likely event(s) when drawing a card four times with replacement?

 To figure out the answer you have to use binomial distribution.
The formula for exactly k successes in an n-trial experiment with replacement is:

(n choose k) * (probability of success)^k * (probability of failure)^(n-k)

Note that n = 4, since you have 4 trials.

Note also that the probability of success to draw a king is 1 in 13, or 1/13

A) The probability of drawing a king exactly once (k = 1) is:

(4 choose 1) * (1/13)^1 * (12/13)^3
= 4(0.0769)(0.787)
= 0.2421, or 24.2%

B) The probability of drawing a king exactly twice (k = 2) is:

(4 choose 2) * (1/13)^2 * (12/13)^2
= 6(0.0059)(0.852)
= 0.03, or 3%

C) The probability of drawing a king exactly three times (k = 3) is:

(4 choose 3) * (1/13)^3 * (12/13)^1
= 4(0.000455)(0.9231)
= .0017, or .17%

D) The probability of drawing a king exactly four times (k = 4) is:

(4 choose 4) * (1/13)^4 * (12/13)^0
= .0000035, round to 0.00004 or .004%

E) The probability of drawing a king exactly zero times (k = 0) is:

(4 choose 0) * (1/13)^0 * (12/13)^4
= 0.726, or 72.6%

F) The greatest probability is 72.6%, or never finding a king.

Note that if you were to sum all the probabilities found in part A through E, you would find that the probability is roughly equal to 1, or 100%, meaning that in your entire set you can only possibly draw a king zero, exactly one, two, three, or four times. This is a good way to check if you are correct.

Keep learning!
Oyewole O. Thomas

Sunday 13 July 2014

Calculus:Finding The Derivative Of Logarithmic Functions

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The derivative of logarithmic functions is the differentiation of logathmicfunctions.
Let us look at how we can obtain a formula that applies to this mathematical process.

In mathematics, specifically in calculus and complex analysis, the logarithmic derivative of a function f is defined by the formula given below:
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where f' is the derivative of f. Intuitively, this is the infinitesimal relative change in f; that is, the infinitesimal absolute change in f, namely f', scaled by the current value of f.

When f is a function f(x) of a real variable x, and takes real, strictly positive values, this is equal to the derivative of ln(f), or the natural logarithm of f. This follows directly from the chain rule.

Many properties of the real logarithm also apply to the logarithmic derivative, even when the function does not take values in the positive reals. For example, since the logarithm of a product is the sum of the logarithms of the factors, we have
 (\log uv)' = (\log u + \log v)' = (\log u)' + (\log v)' .\!

Thus, it is true for any function that the logarithmic derivative of a product is the sum of the logarithmic derivatives of the factors (when they are defined).
corollary to this is that the logarithmic derivative of the reciprocal of a function is the negation of the logarithmic derivative of the function:
 \frac{(1/u)'}{1/u} = \frac{-u'/u^{2}}{1/u} = -\frac{u'}{u} ,\!
just as the logarithm of the reciprocal of a positive real number is the negation of the logarithm of the number.
More generally, the logarithmic derivative of a quotient is the difference of the logarithmic derivatives of the dividend and the divisor:
 \frac{(u/v)'}{u/v} = \frac{(u'v - uv')/v^{2}}{u/v} = \frac{u'}{u} - \frac{v'}{v} ,\!
just as the logarithm of a quotient is the difference of the logarithms of the dividend and the divisor.
Generalising in another direction, the logarithmic derivative of a power (with constant real exponent) is the product of the exponent and the logarithmic derivative of the base:
 \frac{(u^{k})'}{u^{k}} = \frac {ku^{k-1}u'}{u^{k}} = k \frac{u'}{u} ,\!
just as the logarithm of a power is the product of the exponent and the logarithm of the base.
In summary, both derivatives and logarithms have a product rule, a reciprocal rule, a quotient rule, and a power rule(compare the list of logarithmic identities); each pair of rules is related through the logarithmic derivative.

Worked Examples:

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Worked Example 5:
Obtain completely the derivative of 

x^2 ln x 


According to the product rule, if h(x) is a function of the product of two functions, f(x) and g(x), then:

h(x) = f(x) * g(x)

h ' (x) = [ f ' (x) * g(x) ] + [ g ' (x) * f(x) ]

What this basically says is that the derivative of the product is the derivative of the first function times the second function plus the derivative of second function times the first function.

NOTE: "times" means multiplication

So, let f(x) = x² and g(x) = ln(x)


h(x) = x² * ln(x)

Now, we use the product rule.

h ' (x) = [ f ' (x) * g(x) ] + [ g ' (x) * f(x) ]

First, we do the calculations required in the first pair of brackets:

[ f ' (x) * g(x) ]

From the power rule of derivatives, the derivative of x² is 2x. We leave g(x) = ln(x) alone.


[ f ' (x) * g(x) ] = [ 2x * ln(x) ]

Now, we do the calculations required in the second pair of brackets:

[ g ' (x) * f(x) ]

The derivative of ln(x) is 1/x. We leave f(x) = x² alone.


[ g ' (x) * f(x) ] = [ (1 / x) * (x²) ]

Now, we put these together to get:

h ' (x) = [ f ' (x) * g(x) ] + [ g ' (x) * f(x) ]

=> h ' (x) = [ 2x * ln(x) ] + [ (1 / x) * (x²) ]

We can rearrange this to get:

h ' (x) = [ 2x * ln(x) ] + [ (1 / x) * (x²) ]

=> h ' (x) = [ (1 / x) * (x²) ] + [ 2x * ln(x) ] <-- All I did here was rearrange the order of the brackets.

We can simplify the expression in the first pair of brackets:

h ' (x) = [ (1 / x) * (x²) ] + [ 2x * ln(x) ]

=> h ' (x) = [ x ] + [ 2x * ln(x) ] <-- x² / x = x

Now, we can factor out an "x" since it's common in both brackets:

h ' (x) = [ x ] + [ 2x * ln(x) ]

=> h ' (x) = x + 2x * ln(x) <-- All I did here was to remove the brackets so that factoring could be seen more clearly.

=> h ' (x) = x [ 1 + 2ln (x) ] .

Worked Example 6:
 Use logarithmic differentiation to find the derivative of the function
y = x ^ (9 cos x) 
 Taking log both sides, we get, 
log y = 9 cosx logx 

now differentiate with respect to x... 

1/y (dy/dx)= 9 {cosx 1/x + logx (-sinx)} 

dy/dx= [ 9 {cosx 1/x + logx (-sinx)}] x ^ (9 cos x).

You can see from the above four examples that good knowledge of indices is required to solve calculus problems.This implies that you must revise the topic of indices as well as surds in order to find calculus easy and interesting.

All the basic laws of indices have been treated in another post on this blog.It will be nice and helpful to give good part of your time to that section.

I have equally promoted links on this post that provide learning aid on calculus.Please do not waste time.Just choose to improve your Mathematical skill.

I am here for you.Kindly forward your request or complaints to me on the ground of enquiry.

Best Regards
Oyewole Olatunbosun

Saturday 12 July 2014


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Best Regards
Oyewole Olatunbosun

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Wednesday 9 July 2014


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What is calculus?
Calculus is the mathematical study of change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of operations and their application to solving equations.

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 It has two major branches, differential calculus (concerning rates of change and slopes of curves), and integral calculus (concerning accumulation of quantities and the areas under and between curves); these two branches are related to each other by the fundamental theorem of calculus. 

Both branches make use of the fundamental notions of convergence of infinite sequences and infinite series to a well-defined limit. Generally considered to have been founded in the 17th century by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz, today calculus has widespread uses in science, engineering and economics and can solve many problems that algebra alone cannot.

Calculus is a part of modern mathematics education. A course in calculus is a gateway to other, more advanced courses in mathematics devoted to the study of functions and limits, broadly called mathematical analysis.

 Calculus has historically been called "the calculus of infinitesimals", or "infinitesimal calculus". The word "calculus" comes from Latin (calculus) and refers to a small stone used for counting. More generally, calculus (plural calculi) refers to any method or system of calculation guided by the symbolic manipulation of expressions. 

Some examples of other well-known calculi are propositional calculus, calculus of variations, lambda calculus, and process calculus.

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Differentiation means the gradient of a tangent to a curve or the rate of change of a dependent variable with respect to an independent variable.

It is usually written as 
 dy/dx if y=f(x) 

 We can differentiate simple functions by 
  i.Subtract 1 from the old power of x

  ii.Multiply the new result by the old power of x.

Example 1:
Obtain the derivative of x^8

dy/dx = 8x^(8-1)


Example 2:

Differentiate x^4


dy/dx = 4x^(4-1)


Example 3:

Differentiate 1/2 (x^4)


dy/dx = 1/2 X 4x^(4-1)


Example 4:

Obtain the derivative of y=5


5 is an example of a constant and the derivative of a constant is zero.

Hence the derivative of y= 5 is zero.


 y=5 is the same as y = 5x^0 ( because x^0 = 1.)

dy/dx = 5 {0X x^(0-1) }

= 5 X 0 =0.
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 Example 5:

Differentiate y=x.

dy/dx = 1 X x^(1-1)
=1  X  x^0
=1 X 1=1.

Therefore the derivative of x is 1.

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Happy learning!

Oyewole Olatunbosun

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